Tmg overmethylation Keep adjusting and fine-tuning until you find the balance your patient needs. It must be emphasised that most After taking a methyl-B12 & methylfolate supplement (Cytoplan's Methyl Factors - contents: 1000 methyl-B12, 800 Methylfolate, TMG & B6) for 3 months straight I think I am chronically overmethylating. The 'Overmethylation' case study is a must read and must understand. A number of people have stated that taking a relatively high dose of the nutrient for a prolonged period has resulted in a cessation of negative side effects from relevant methylation or monoamine-related supplements. Taking up to 15 grams per day may be safe, but some side effects may include diarrhea and Although undermethylation is more common with the MTHFR gene, overmethylation may instead be the case for some. even though these happened as soon as i took the first dose? How do i induce undermethylation to even it out I often take Niacin and L-Histidine with folic acid b12 and etc. And it actually drove me into severe overmethylation and made me feel horrible when I woke up. The risk you run is having too many methyl groups i. TMG acts as a methyl donor and can contribute three methyl groups to aid the methylation cycle. All of those slow overmethylation. If you take niacin and histidine and folate then you shouldn't be taking TMG. So, one might think that 0. Several other B vitamins, mainly thiamin (vitaminB1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), support B12 and folate in recycling methionine, even though they themselves are not just wanted to say thank you so much for the level-headed tone of this article. SAMe, highly If you have taken wheat out of your diet you might be low in TMG. " Methylation is a multifaceted function happening throughout your body. I'm not really taking vitamins anymore, just eating pastured eggs and liver for folate/b12 and beets for TMG - following Dr. It could be overmethylation, undermethylation, pyrrole disorder, copper toxicity, toxic metals, a combination of the five, or none at all. ) Folate is an important part of the methylation cycle. While most medical experts agree this isn’t a diagnosis, a quick blood test should clear the air to help you identify if you need any kind of treatment, medication, or lifestyle changes. Undermethylation is characterized by low levels of serotonin, dopamine, TMG certainly is a promising nutrient for such persons, However, if you don’t do this properly, this can put you at risk for overmethylation —an unpleasant situation where your body’s methylation has been ramped up too quickly and in a way that is not tailored to you specifically. Symptoms of Overmethylated Schizophrenia ! Auditory Hallucinations ! Paranoia ! High Anxiety ! Non-Bizarre Delusions ! Religiosity & This Methylated Vitamin B complex provides essential B vitamins to support MTHFR and methylation processes. There is no one diagnosis that is "Overmethylation disorder. I’m considering supplementing with TMG based on what i’ve read, but I don’t quite understand all of this. TMG. This can affect the thyroid and adrenals, as well as cause other health problems. Contrary to the typical therapy B12 is not the driver of overmethylation, methylfolate is. Quinoa (630), spinach (577) wheat bran (360) and beet root (256) will supply a good amount of TMG (#'s = TMG mg/100g of food item). I don’t tolerate methyl donors. Where as people with overmethylation tend to have extreme anxiety accompanied with panic attacks in some cases. As a molecule naturally occurring within the body and obtainable from dietary sources like beets and spinach, TMG plays a pivotal role in maintaining cellular function and health. So is SAMe good for both under and overmethylation? If so im going to pick some up and Gluthonine. initially, it worked like a miracle drug. If there’s nothing to methylate your body just excretes it. You'll either need to reduce your dose to 100-200mcg or switch to a low dose of folinic acid until things calm down. There is a lot of confusion around ‘methyl group’, ‘methyl donor’, ‘methylation’. DMG, a natural You speak of undermethylation as well as overmethylation, the language of Carl Pfeiffer, MD and William Walsh, PhD. As you suggested I started incorporating TMG (since 30 Dec) in the form of powder inside capsules (1000mg). It facilitates the conversion of homocysteine to methionine, which can then be used to produce SAMe. Gil Winkelman says. When supplementing with methylated supplements (e. Though undermethylation and overmethylation both share anxiety as a symptom, people who are experiencing a lack of methylation are typically experiencing anxiety that's more geared towards perfectionism tendencies. SAM - This can be situationally helpful but easy to take too much of and get those overmethylation symptoms. Conclusion This article has provided an overview of the importance of homocysteine measurement, whilst highlighting some of the limitations associated with sample handling and testing. This is because overmethylation can create high levels of dopamine, TMG does not use the methylfolate pathway so you will not get the same side effects. Low folate is just one possible contributing factor of overmethylation. Make sure you are taking a balanced B complex, A, C, D, Zinc and Molybendum. Christ MasterJohn recommends that if you take niacin, you need to balance it out with TMG in a one to one ratio. I will say that the TMG overmethylation wasn't as bad as overmethylation with methylfolate and those specific side effects of muscle tension. In many patients it is this half of the methylation cycle that is functioning sub-optimally due to minor defects in the enzymes involved [Methionine Synthetase (MS), Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), or Methylene-TetraHydroFolate Reductase (MTHFR)]. 5 Months Dealing with Overmethylation Which Cause after Methylated B9 and B12. com FREE SHIPPING on According to some holistic healers out there, overmethylation is a condition that can cause a variety of psychiatric and physical symptoms. Would it maybe cause overmethylation symptoms? I have intermediate COMT, homozygous MTHFR C677T and homozygous VDR Taq resulting in also pretty high estrogen (male) and have Overmethylation and Undermethylation. Overmethylation is the biochemical opposite of undermethylation. Joined Feb 18, 2017 Overmethylation can cause high levels of neurotransmitters, mainly serotonin. Andrew says. NAC helps replenish glutathione in the body which is especially helpful for protecting organs and detoxifying things like heavy metals, BPAs, phthalates, etc. Dr. 033mg of TMG has the same TMG decreases plasma homocysteine more in patients with high plasma homocysteine than in healthy volunteers [ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE; Brouwer,IA; 160(16):2546-2547 (2000)]. Chris Masterjohn's approach of getting methylation support mostly from food rather than high dose supplements. and if inadequate extra choline/TMG is not provided DMAE + TMG - posted in Brain Health: DMAE is often confused as a bioavailable source of choline because it can cross the BBB. I just wanted this experience to end. Amber said: 5-MTHF is folic acid but bypasses the metabolic cycle which transforms folic acid into 5-MTHF To supplement methyl groups, we use TMG or trimethylglycine. permalink; embed; save; parent; report; reply; olouasa 1 point 2 points 3 points 5 months ago . There are certain supplements that deplete methyl groups and TMG helps add those back. Nicotinic acid is a methyl Yeah after I posted this I took more tmg and felt better, I’m just wary of taking too much tmg cuz in the past it was giving me really bad anxiety, so overmethylation, I actually started taking tmg on it’s own in the beginning and it actually had a really profound effect for about a week, I even got a pay rise at work, but after that I just started getting overmethylation consistently. idk other than tmg as little as 400mg was too much for me at first, but i tried it again a couple months later no problem. DMG, a natural component of animal and plant metabolism, positively influences the immune A good test to see if you are “over methylating” would be to find the lowest dose Niacin supplement you can find, and break off or nibble a small amount. N. Both can overmethylate me for example, I tried it on a whim and it seems to work better as a methyl donor than TMG and Sam-e. M. Supplement with: Methionine Methionine is an amino acid precursor to SAM-e. Question Almost a year back I had fast heart rate symptoms and then did some blood test to find out my homocysteine was high 27, and my B12 was low 226 , Folate normal but on the lower end. Something like 25mg. Some of the worst behavior disorders come from overmethylation (and overmethylating) plus elevated free copper. Women can take up to 1 gram daily of TMG. According to Freddd, ""TMG supplies about 30 times as many donatable methyl groups mg per mg as methylb12. Because TMG helps reduce homocysteine, it could protect against heart disease — but see the sections above on folic acid and Vitamin B12. It boosts methylation William Walsh, Nutrient Power (New York, NY: Skyhorse Pub. towards the end of the 3 years though, i developed significant kidney issues from the While no official dosage recommendations are currently available for TMG supplementation, most products available to buy offer between 750mg and 3,000mg (3g) of TMG per suggested serving. Although TMG plays an incredibly important role in the re‐ methylation of homocysteine to methionine, the enzyme that transfers the methyl group from TMG to homocysteine is largely expressed only in liver and kidney cells. TMG may have benefits on its own, so supplementing with it doesn't hurt, but again you could run into over-methylation issues. TMG increases or boosts MTHFR and Overmethylation: Causes, Symptoms, and Support NADH, TMG, undermethylated, overmethylated people . Thus, DMAE is considered a way to reduce overmethylation by some nutritionists. For example, TMG, even in small doses (<250 mg) drives me through the roof with sweaty, red, social panic. TMG provides methyl groups without the danger of overmethylating. Can overmethylation and Undermethylation swings a lot throughout the day? so you experience both on a day but on different time? I am a pretty prodigious consumer of supplements. This is not accurate. You can always try adenosylhydroxoB12 instead of methylB12 however. B-complex, TMG, phosphatidylcholine (in the form of eggs), creatine, omega3s (can of sardines a day), and high dose niacin at night work well for me. A reaction to methylated products can be for several reasons, the most common being: Further genetic mutations that impact the passage or metabolism of methyl products in the body, thereby leading to a ‘block’ and build up of or trimethylglycine (TMG). 5c Support phosphatidylcholine production; decrease methylation burden so this makes TMG unlikely to cause overmethylation, since TMG is not bypassing the regulation. TMG may be used instead of choline for this portion (use 150mg of TMG per egg equivalent). TMG supplements are thought to support freddd methylation methylfolate mthfr overmethylation supplements tmg Replies: 1; Forum: Methylation, B12, Glutathione, etc. Any other suggestions for my symptoms in terms of undermethylation / overmethylation? Thanks! Overmethylation disorder is also called Low-Folate disorder. In fact, in an otherwise healthy person I read that Dr. TMG (trimethylglycine or betaine) *Methionine and Sam-e act as natural selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that can aid in increasing serotonin or the 'feel good hormone' in the brain. Nutrients for MTHFR Mutation. There isn’t anything wrong with being overmethylated nor undermethylated, but it may cause some sort of mental distress. EDIT: I will add that I tried taking large doses of TMG (around 2. Simply because something has a ‘methyl group’ does not mean it View Article Do you think 250-500mg would yield any ergogenic/body comp benefits? I find that I can’t tolerate TMG well, makes me irritable and gives me insomnia. Apparently it’s common (according to Google), something to do with overmethylation. MTHFR mutation is by far the most common genetic mutation. TMG puts me in a bad mood and sam-e can cause anxiety. Is it possible to start over-methylating? I was feeling REALLY good for a TMG. I used a bit (200mg) early on here and there, but I don't really have a need for it these days. i think I don't need TMG twice daily as that can overstimulate me. Choline can be converted to TMG, so a benefit of choline is that the body can regulate that conversion rate rather than manually trying One thing to note is that in all the studies done on NMN, no TMG or methylation substitute was given. Jun 28, 2017 #4 Amber Member. People who are experiencing overmethylation are generally very anxious. From what I've understood, usually an undermethylator has low dopamine and serotonin, thus he could boost methylation and the production of neurotransmitters by supplementing B vitamins and methyl donors, such as SAM-e, creatine and TMG. [TMG or Betaine]. Avoid methyl donors like TMG. 0. g. I stopped it over 2 months ago now and am still dealing with all the side effects you hear about - anxiety, insomnia, bloating, diarrhoea, aching joints, headaches, According to Dr. I just know that if you It seems too much SAMe could cause overmethylation and overmethylation can cause excitoxicity symptoms even if potassium isn't low. Very informative, but I have a myriad of symptoms of BOTH undermethylation and overmethylation. It is characterized by elevated levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, low whole blood histamine, and low absolute basophils. After supplying a methyl group, TMG becomes di-methyl-glycine. Tri-methyl-glycine. e. ” TMG (betaine) is a methyl donor used by BHMT. Sherpa Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie. Tonight I tested some MTHF + some TMG to see if they balance out, since they both help me individually, but not the same way. Lynch recommended 50mg of niacin for fixing overmethylation problems. 2. Both undermethylation and overmethylation can cause distressing symptoms. 5 grams) which essentially supports SAM-E levels and I started showing symptoms of overmethylation. probably depends on diet cuz i had a different one back then KidneyFab • i read that overmethylation affects genes negatively somehow but if i dont take tmg i have worse histamine issues Reply reply More replies More "When overmethylation happens, it can cause a host of troubling symptoms, such as poor concentration, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep disorders, and sensitivities to environmental toxins. That’s partly why worsening symptoms are so common for many people taking methyl-folate and methyl-B12. A number of people have stated that taking a relatively high dose of the nutrient for a prolonged period has resulted in a cessation of negative side effects from relevant methylation or monoamine-related supplements. Creatine production uses about 40-45% of SAM from methylation, so supplementing creatine frees up endogenous SAM for other uses. Too much methyl (overmethylation) results in a unique set of symptoms that are diffe TMG specifically supplies extra methyl donors without any digestive benefit, where as betaine HCL is specifically for increasing the acidity of the stomach. I have always been sensitive to methyl donors—probably because I am COMT+. That is to say, if whole blood histamine is low, the individual will be overmethylated and if it is high, they will be undermethylated. Overmethylation: Those experiencing overmethylation often suffer from anxiety and depression, with common symptoms including sleep disorders, underachievement, and sensitivity to certain chemicals and foods. Some people are naturally overmethylators which might benefit from taking a few things that reduce methylation. The protocols to treat the two "Overmethylation" / TMG supplements and irritability? - posted in Supplements: I recently ramped up my B-Complex to the Seeking Health HomocysteX Plus supplement to target lower HCy and address polymorphisms like C677T: 25mg of R5P (1,471% DV) 15mg of P5P (750% DV) 800mcg of Methyl-Folate (200% DV) 1,000mcg of Methyl-B12 + Adenosyl-B12 The most important nutrients that help lower homocysteine levels are folate, the vitamins B12, B6 and B2, zinc and trimethylglycine (TMG). Common symptoms of overmethylation, include depression, paranoia, head and neck pain, I respond well to supplements like TMG /SAM-e (mood uplifting and mental energy) and ALCAR (greater focus) . Overmethylation disorder is also called Low-Folate disorder. Supplementing SAM when undermethylated helps make up for the deficit and so may be useful, but once methylation is normalized, then supplementing SAM may lead to overmethylation side effects. You can test your Homocysteine blood levels to check if or trimethylglycine (TMG). An individual just informed me they took too much TMG (4 grams) and became An individual just informed me they took too much TMG (4 grams) and became significantly anxious to the point of an ER visit. If either of these conditions are present, there are nutritional therapies to help correct the imbalance. I’ve created a quick cheat sheet here for you. I also cannot take Sam-e. I just did a Dutch test and it shows I have high methylation in 85% percentile. Men can take up to 3 grams daily. ? personally i can’t take tmg. Featuring MethylFolate as Quatrefolic® for increased bioactivity, Trimethylglycine (TMG), and Vitamins B12 (Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin), BenforPure® Benfotiamine® & and much more. The key point to remember is that folate, even methyl-folate, is a net methyl reducer. Excessive methylation leads to overmethylation. Has anyone tried to facilitate better sleep on creatine with the supplements folks take for overmethylation such as folic acid, niacinamide, B complex without B12 and folate, glycine, etc. Have you tried NAC,p5p,pro resolving mediators,Niacin. If you don't then TMG wouldn't do much in that case. December 29, 2021 at 11:19 AM TMG ? what to try to lower homocysteine? thanks! Dr. † “The changes in DNA methylation across a lifespan is a hallmark of aging. I’m This is a good question, and you made me realize I don’t know the answer either. I only had niacinamide at home and decided to take 500mg with a meal. Its more consistent and give me energy, helps with depression. In contrast, methyfolate does bypass MTHFR and so methylfolate bypasses the high SAM Abstract: Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) supplementation might be a potential solution for “overmethylation” . If present, the conversion to 5 TMG, also known as Betaine, and SAMe, or S-adenosylmethionine, have distinct roles in the body due to their different mechanisms of action. You can read up on overmethylation and undermethylation. Soy-free Phosphatidylserine which contains essential phospholipids also supports cognitive function. Some symptoms and traits of overmethylation: High anxiety/panic, hyperactivity, rapid speech, low libido, religiosity, tendency to be overweight, nervous legs, pacing, adverse reaction to SSRI’s and SAMe, improvement with benzodiazepines, dry eyes and mouth, low motivation during school years, depression, self mutilation, sleep disorder inb4 overmethylation. ; SAM-e SAMe (s-adenosyl methionine) is a naturally occurring amino acid manufactured from methionine, which is found in protein-rich foods, and produced by the liver. Idk if under or overmethylation is just a theory to explain these reactions or not. Suggest proper test Buy Allergy Research Group TMG Trimethylglycine 750mg Supplement - Betaine Anhydrous, Supports Healthy Methylation, Promotes Healthy Homocysteine Levels, Hypoallergenic, Vegetarian Capsules - 100 Count on Amazon. Overmethylation: This condition is the biochemical opposite of undermethylation. If you do not have the MTHFR gene then TMG wouldn't do much. I also take some TMG and 5-MTHF (activated folic acid) to prevent homocysteine Overmethylation and Anxiety . Messages 699 Location USA. Neil Rawlins, NAC is one of the best nutrients to begin with if you have MTHFR. Over the years I've had a bunch of intense 'overmethylation' reactions to methylfolate and TMG. If you have the MTHFR mutation, then at low doses supplementation with TMG may help. If yes, should I take a methylated complex? Overmethylation is also referred to as Folate deficiency, as this is one of the main traits, however there are other causes of low folate, such as certain medications. Consider starting on a dose of 600-4,000 mg a day (1,200-3,000 mg being a solid range for most - based on tolerance). Now I use a little niacin to slow done the methylation when it gets going to fast. Very confusing. Those who are overmethylators may exhibit the following symptoms: Anxiety; Poor concentration; Panic disorders; Low motivation; Easily frustrated; Insomnia; Paranoia; Hyperactivity; Food/chemical sensitivities; Because I was already under methylated, it was a disaster, even with tmg. Have MTHFR and slow Comt. Maybe you already know riboflavin is important for homozygous C677T. I have seen practitioners suggest it when homocysteine is super high, usually with any of the forms of I have been taking TMG 600mg-1200mg daily in the mornings, and 5000mcg of Active B12, etc. " Actually TMG does break down in to SAMe then in to glycine. After its conversion into choline, it can be phosphorized by Choline Kinase into phosphocholine and eventually become I believe that I have triggered overmethylation and now I would like to inform myself, how can I treat myself and assist the process of getting back to 100%. That's where I was getting my daily TMG since I only eat beets a couple times a month and rarely eat spinach or quinoa. The tingling, brain fog, and concentration difficulties are really what bother me. 250mg is great for me though, I feel pleasant psychoactive effects but it probably won’t help lifting right? TMG also increases methionine which is bad too . I was thinking about trying sunflower lecithin and TMG (or SAM-e). . If CBS is the bottleneck, your homocysteine is stuck in a cycle and might be 'building up' or methyls might be building up; also you'd lack glutathione and maybe taurine and whatever else is downstream from CBS, in the Trimethylglycine, more commonly known as TMG or betaine, has garnered attention in the nutritional supplements market for its purported health benefits. Overmethylation can also Histamine and methyl are inversely related to one another. In addition to having borderline pyroluria, I had high homocysteine, low histamine, low methionine Hi all. With that said, who knows if MTHFR Nutritional treatment typically includes SAMe, methionine, magnesium, vitamin B12 and TMG, among others. FACTORS THAT CAN INTERFERE WITH METHYLATION The following may affect methyl group formation: 1. A diet low in cooked vegetables. Help with Walsh methylation protocol test results? Hi everyone, I just got my results for the Walsh protocol lab tests. I respond very poorly to NAC (brain fog and lethargy). Too much methylation gets going for me. † In addition to TMG, methylation pathways require other essential nutrients to function effectively, including Folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Zinc. a week into the protocol I suffered constant anxiety and That depends if you have the MTHFR mutation, then at low doses supplementation with TMG would help. , 2004) 74. Just because you have insomnia from the Niacin, I used niacinamide, does help to reduce overmethylation because I have used it on the few occasions that I have taken too much B12, folate and TMG. Doctor prescribed me high dose Methyl supplements for a month. Dan 9 years ago Folinic acid works on a different pathway then TMG. member 6316 Guest. Reply. It works. This from dbkita: On the other hand taking too much SAMe directly, too much TMG and for sure too much 5mthf or even folinic acid for many (or even folic acid for like 40% of the population) can overmethylate For that reason, I was wondering if it is now simply overmethylation. gives me prolonged anxiety perhaps due to overmethylation rather than just being in the middle Reply reply bigdogdriver • My question is how much TMG? Unlike TMG, SAMe will not help lower Homocysteine levels in blood, which raises heart disease risk. Cooked vegetables provide most of the dietary methyl groups. Do I have to take them together with a B Complex. Ben Lynch’s Approach — Begin with low doses of B12 for several days, then add MTHF folate at a ratio that is ½ the amount of B12, increasing every several days until you feel better or experience symptoms of overmethylation (irritability, insomnia, sore muscles, achy joints, acne, rash, anxiety, palpitations, nausea, headaches Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin or a mix) + folate (as Quatrefolic) + vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5-phosphate) + TMG (betaine) MTHFR mutation: Vitamin B12 (as methycobalamin or a mix) + folate (as Quatrefolic) 800 µg. I can't seem to find a balance. permalink; embed; save; Overmethylation is an equally concerning problem in another group of individuals. TMG is a methyl donor, meaning that it provides more methyl groups to support methylation. Elevated whole blood histamine suggests undermethylation, whereas low whole blood histamine suggests overmethylation, but other factors and If you have set them up with key nutrients—like B vitamins and supplements such as DMG or TMG—and a diet full of methionine-rich foods, back off the dosage of nutrients and supplements by half, and then continue watching and waiting. For people with low serotonin or dopamine activity whom he recommends against taking folate, he says methylB12 and TMG can enhance methylation, as is ensuring sufficient methyl groups and methionine. overmethylation. Overmethylation dominant imbalance ! High norepinephrine & dopamine Note: The most common psychiatric diagnosis is Paranoid Schizophrenia . TMG can make the cycle work via secondary pathway when MS doesn't work, but I think that throws more methyls into the mix. These brain chemicals are important for balanced mood Overmethylation Overmethylation or low histamine is the dominant chemical imbalance for about 45% of persons diagnosed with schizophrenia. Is overmethylation the main problem or is the histamine? Should I try methylfolate? Thanks a lot. methylfolate or methylcobalamin) there is potential to react to them. Mar 21, 2021 #4 ecstatichamster Its been F@@king 8 Months And My friend 1. I’m taking adenosylcobalamin and only a small amount of methyl B12. (It can be ADHD/ADD, OCD, depression, Conduct Disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia or something else too. However, if an undermethylator has also slow COMT, it usually means that dopamine (and adrenaline) is high. If over methylation is a problem, then trimethylglycine may present a problem because when trimethylglycine loses a methyl group to homocysteine, it gets converted to dimethylglycine (DMG) and this would something to avoid with overmethylation. The enzyme that It includes TMG for lowering homocysteine levels in the body, and a specialized, soy-free form of choline that crosses the blood-brain barrier (Citicoline) for improved cognitive health. #21 Jul 11, 2017; Reactions: dannybex. Taking too much TMG too frequently makes my hyper and a little shaky which is not normal for me because another herb I take takes care of anything that my kidney deficiency can create. 45% - Overmethylation ! 18% - Undermethylation ! 27% - Pyrrole disorder (severe oxidative stress) ! 4% - Wheat gluten intolerance ! 6% - Other . July 15, 2024 at 6:45 AM. Still trying to figure all this out! It Recently, the same effect was recreated when I added TMG to my NMN — as it was suggested NMN would require a methyl donor. Methyl group: Carbon + 3 hydrogens (CH3) Methyl donor: a substance that is capable of donating a methyl group to another compound. A review published in 2018 notes that trimethylglycine is safe Supplementation with nutrients such as DAO, SAMe, methionine, magnesium, biotin, B12, TMG, vitamin B6, NAC, and folic acid can help improve methylation and reduce symptoms associated with histamine intolerance. Also what is the difference between Phospholydlserine and Phospholydlcholine? Oh, you need a good quality brand it should be in blister packs I use Jarrow. i felt the best i’d ever felt in my entire life. What would you suggest? (aka TMG) in the body, which is a huge methyl donor. Generally we do a plasma methylation test to figure this out. Posted by samplemethod on May 28, 2003, at 10:42:47. This imbalance is Alternatively, betaine (trimethylglycine, TMG), which is mainly derived from choline, recycles homocysteine back to methionine. due to a host of chronic inflammation problems i suffered from in early adulthood, i took MSM for the better part of 3 years. Jun 29, 2017; Thread Starter #19 OP. I have noticed that on the bottle of my TMG and many sources online also claim that 1-3 grams up to three times daily is an effective dosage for lowering homocysteine. " I would for sure stop taking the TMG and then talk to your doctor about starting vitamin E treatment for NASH (usually 800 IU a day) again, ask your TMG converts to SAMe (s-adenosyl methionine), which then converts the amino acid tyrosine to dopamine, noradrenalin and adrenalin. Wait TMG supplements may help improve heart health, boost athletic performance, and regulate insulin levels. Biochemistry of Overmethylated Schizophrenia ! Elevated SAMe/SAH ratio in blood ! Depressed whole-blood histamine ! Elevated serum copper Abstract: Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) supplementation might be a potential solution for “overmethylation” . So, using TMG may be beneficial if someone is an undermethylator. The enzyme that Both undermethylation and overmethylation can cause distressing symptoms. I'm mostly talking about the TMG form, but it's plausible that larger doses of betaine HCL could be counterproductive for an overmethylator as well. ifpbhhmwahsdckqtyvknjzgkvgmphntdybpwhpqkptbatdeguoacpeznmqwzuxrwwiyaeqehqrkwys