2 months lifting progress I’m thinking of shredding for January as I’m cutting out alchohol and would like to lose some of the fat I’ve gained. we share the same fast metablism, 4 month weight lifting progress after going through a divorce about a year ago. I would just like to start out saying this is my first post on r/fitness. I am pretty proud of the progress I have made since then! Bp- 80lbs Squat- 100lbs Ohp- 45 DL- 125 I alter running/lifting every day. When seeking weight lifting results after 1 month, female lifters may find a great deal of inspiration and motivation in before and after photos of other women and their personal stories of achievement. I've worked out about 4 times a week in a 2-split program for about 3. I got back to it and have been doing workouts for the last 2 months (1 month and three weeks exactly). com Open. I am looking to maybe compete within the next year or two, I'm in love with the lifting culture. I Overcame my Fear of Heavy Lower Body Lifting. But, better yet, after those 2 months are over, keep doing it. 9 Months Progress Personal Record Started off at 105 lbs bodyweight in August 2022, now I weigh 125. Is it even possible to hit plateaus that early? Or am I just expecting too much? Ps: 16 year old, 169 pounds, 181cm (5 feet and 11 inches). I unfortunately didn’t really take any before pictures, but i’ve been lifting for 3 months (i know this is a short time frame) after not lifting since high school and am now 25 years old. Already seeing big gains. Reply reply 4 months of progress, I went from struggling to curl 4kg to curling 14kg, it ain't much but I'm proud of how far I come :) Progress Picture Yeah same for me too I’ve been lifting about 5-6 years and I curl with bar 30kg and my arms are the So, I've been training for the past 2 months and a week—4 to 5 times a week. It has really done wonders for my lifts and gains compared to 6-7 hours before. Awesome work man Whats your strength on squat deadlifts and flat For the first two-three months I added weight to the barbell for all excercises weekly in increments of 2. Only thing is I have lost my six pack though, I am thinking of doing a mini cut for 3 weeks to push me 2-3 months back fat wise and then continue Bulking till 5 months again. After 9 months you should be lifting over 225 lb. Also I'd cut out mindless gym cardio. Juice 100 percent. GW: 200 lbs. Years down the line, you'll count it as one of the best decisions you've ever made for yourself. I can see some differences in my shoulders, back, and biceps. This is a borderline unbelievable transformation for only 3 months. Problem is, I'm not making any progress. I can't say for everyone, but it took me ~8months of SL5X5 and 2 months of 5/3/1 to get to a 1000lb PL total and lose 30lb of fat. The 5 stages of weightlifting include: Complete beginner; The Novice; While the answer depends on factors like age, genetics, and diet, most beginners can expect to gain between 2-5 That’s a lot for 3 months. 5 yrs of oxy addiction did to me, third taken yesterday after a month of being clean upvotes · comments My 2 month progress 26yo 5'8 167# It's been 2 months since I began cutting, LeanGains is a specific program based on Martin Berkhan's methodology of lifting heavy weights reverse pyramid style, focusing on protein as the main macro-nutrient, and intermittent fasting (IF). My deadlift increased from 135lbs to 195lbs @ 5rps. Keep at it! 2 months of consistent, well-programmed training can make a difference, yes. The body adapts to exercise in weird ways. If you stop now you definitely won’t see anything, if you keep it up for 6 months My bench press has been lagging behind for a good month by now and it's only my 4th month of lifting. Not a thing has changed. I never was 100% diet and lifting for the 2 years. ) Format I would go solidly for 3 months and then suffer an injury or a lazy bout where I'd take a month or two off. In the 1st pic I had not only not trained for months but had eaten sub 600 calories a day, not slept or hydrated myself properly and could hardly leave my bed for the most of my recovery. You should add 5 lbs every workout x 3-4 per week. Age 22, Male. Good post, thanks for sharing. I'm often pleasantly surprised when I compare progress pictures. I joined my first ever gym 2 months ago. Be careful not to spend any more than two weeks inactive, that’s In a month of weightlifting, women can gain 1-2 pounds of muscle or lose 1-2 pounds of fat; see others' results to learn more! In the last 2 months taking Tribulus, DHEA, and protein powder I have gained approximately 17 pound (solid 180lbs now). But good progress from where we came from. 5 months of progress. In first pic he looks like toothpick who never trained before ,impossible to get that lean mass in 6 months. My arms are more defined and my legs are pretty solid. I'm steadily increasing weight, around 1 KG each month for 7 months. Lifting Stats (Started doing compounds 3 months in) Deadlift 350 Bench 185 (shit I know) OHP 145 Squat 295 Routine ABCx Hypertrophy Format (x is a rest day. Your previous months of lifting will definitely provide a foundation once you get back to it. Could Also, lift heavy. I'm sitting at around 20 pounds lost so far, but I still look exactly the same as when I started. You should be aiming to add 2. 473 Deadlift. Thanks for the motivation. 145 votes, 32 comments. Anyone else? Every time I went on vacation or take a break for a while (2 weeks or so), I realise that I always lose a month or two of progress. 1 Though everyone will I'll make a post on my 2 year lifting anniversary with progress etc. Also take progress pics every few months, I know its annoying but I personally find it hard to notice differences in my body when I see it everyday. But once I get to where I want to be, I will be doing clean 3 month bulks followed by aggressive 3-6 week mini cuts for life Started lifting 2 years ago, and all the injuries came from low-rep ranges (5/3/1, 3+/1+ rep ranges for instance). M/42/5’10” SW: 284 lbs. I just can't fathom that someone would be deadlifting 385 after 2 months of lifting/I'm going to feel pathetic stuck on 225 after 4 months of this. The only real way to measure progress is by testing your lifts / using measurements for your body parts/ getting your BF tested etc etc you may need some raw data to look at to convince yourself. Just trying to hit those goals first. I haven't reached my goal yet so the Cake eating has to be postponed :D but I think I'm asuming you're untrained in the first picture, because I'm assuming 2 months progress is implying "I've been lifting for two months". Solid. You'll lift heavier and see faster results in strength gains. Home - Uncategorized - I’ve Been Lifting Weights For 2 Months, Why Haven’t I Seen Seeing a lack of progress can make you wonder if all of the hard work is worth it. After two months of consistent training combined with proper nutrition and recovery practices, substantial changes become evident—not just 15 votes, 10 comments. My numbers in all exercises are still increasing. However, I also expect to get back to my previous levels fairly quick. Tight. However the big message is that even Your muscles start to look fuller and more defined. 5 month progress, a reason to smile After 2 months of it, I recently started Push - Pull - Legs split. I've been at it for a month 2 months of lifting. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. I could probably be one of these quick transformations, but it isn't realistic at all if you haven't been there already. I have a friend who has been lifting for roughly 3 years, and is going to school in exercise science, They day you start lifting is the day you will never be big enough . Show us what you got man. e. I usually get back up to speed within two weeks or so, but for those two weeks I feel like a weak piece of shit. So, if you see that the scale isn’t budging but you’ve “If you have been out of shape, or not working out for 10 years — or forever — it will generally take about 2 months of working out most days of the week to get to a moderate What kinds of results can you expect to see after lifting weights for a month? What will your weight lifting before and after transformation look like? After 30 days of consistent weight lifting workouts (following a proper Solid progress for two months, you’re down some pudge and you’ve got some noticeable arm growth. This pace can be kept up for the first 2-3 months of lifting start doing deadlifts. The first 4 months of honest lifting is where you make like a third or more of your natural gains. I think like everyone else says, this is good progress. On Thursday I'll have been working out and dieting for 2 months, still haven't seen any progress aesthetically. Which is why my strength gains are pretty slow. i wear baggy clothes to the gym, don't take progress pics, don't wear form-fitting clothes or even form-conscious (all my jeans have drawstrings. Here are my before pictures, along with my 2 month, 4 month, and 6 month progress pictures. Reply U will look decent in 1. Could be a macro issue as I count total cals, not down to macros. Basically I follow a 4X a week program and throw in 1-2 sessions of 15 min. Within a few months, though, friends complimented me and my strength shot up. The progress I made I Tracking macros and calories was really stressful for me, which is the reason why I stopped it after 3 month. A community for Redditors to discuss any topics relating to general fitness; with an Two months ago I decided to start a cut to have visible abs for my Birthday and to have a good foundation for further lean gains. Now 3 months progress later I think I am ready to bulk and begin to put on some real mass. [PROGRESS] Two months of lifting progress! So I've always been very active, playing sports and running and stuff. This depends on a myriad of factors, the three most pivotal being 1) good programming, 2) sufficient protein intake, and 3) proper recovery. I focus on weight lifting three times a week, following a workout plan, and incorporate cardio at least twice a week. Plus look at the chest. At least in my case. 5kg - 55kg Squat 27. By the 3rd year it'll be great it's you're able to put on 5lbs of Wondering how long to see results from lifting weights? Discover typical timelines, factors affecting progress, and expert tips to maximize your strength training gains in this complete guide That means that in the first two months that you lift weights you’ll build more muscle than an experienced trainee will build in a year. Usually I can increase the weights by 2. Long-Term Starting info: 6”2’/165lbs/19 years old. Couple things: You’ve lost 35 lbs in two years. They are lacking compared to shoulders,traps and arms who are biggest reactors to juice. Still going through it but I’ve found weight lifting to be somewhat of a solace by keeping me occupied, motivated, and Not seeing results after 3 months weight lifting . About your chest progression, instead of jumping 5kg in the machine, u can grab a 1kg dumbell and put on top of the machine plates and progress slowly. With that said, this is what proper diet and weight training does. Good progress? Exactly 6 months apart Personal Record Archived post. Yesterday I took the second photo (since It's been a month) and got REALLY frustrated because there was simply nothing. Before that I had never done a deadlift or barbell squat in my life. 5kg or 5kg, however I eventually reached a plateau where my strength progress slowed. The problem is, after about 6 months from starting, it's been really difficult for me to progress in any of my lifts. Not only you built a lot of muscle, but that muscle has memory. Be proud of what progress you can see. CW: 234 lbs. Any tips would be very much appreciated! Form Check imgur. It took a little over 2 years to make that 1200lb, but I picked up oly lifting and conditioning work which slowed my PL progress a bit in that time. I'm pretty much exactly where I started. Stats: 6'2, 190 pounds, roughly 20% bf. That's 2 months I was very fit 15 years ago and I just started lifting again two months ago. Let’s be honest, if I hadn’t labeled them you . That averages to less than 2 lbs a month. In bench press for example, I’ve been stuck at 55kg for 3 months. Currently bench press around 30kg (66 pounds) for 10 reps. You will see far more progress with lifting more weights during that time. :) Just my experience, but other answers would be really interesting to read too. 5 months, somewhere in the middle of that I read an article about sleep and restitution and decided I wanted to get 8 hours of sleep every night. Anyways, Saw progress around 3-4 months in. If all these things are lined up correctly, you can achieve much more than this in 3 months. Juji is one of the reasons I got into lifting in the first place The biggest thing that helps is tracking your progress, i. That is the entirity of the progress i've made in the past year. Your progress is going great so far,despite what your scale says. I made good progress and it definitley helped, but it was not worth it for me. Taking a 2-3 week break push my weight lifting progress back by a few months. I have also been upping my diet (around 3500 calories a day) and i’m not really seeing any progress. You’re not in enough of a cut to really impact performance The idea of you being in your teens losing prime lifting years already, to put it politely, is crazy. It can take up to two months before your body even really starts building muscle, so that would leave about two months I'm back to lifting after a 4 months break. 4x8-12 incline dumbbell press (2 sets @ 30 degrees, 2 sets @ 60 degrees) 3x8-12 triceps pushdowns SS 3x15-20 lateral raises 3x8-12 overhead triceps extensions SS 3x15-20 lateral raises 4x10+ pushups LEGS 4x5, 1x5+ squat You can continue doing sets of 10 on your accessory lifts if you want but your big movers should be big weights. i gained satisfactory mass and muscles just in 2 months by focusing more on recovery. Share Sort by: Best. Gone. Lifting wise I just tried a few different training methods German Volume Training/PPL/BodySplit and I've found GVT works best for me as I love the burn and intensity. feeling that this is very un optimal/not enough for the time, brro i was doing same for 1 year. 155lbs-181lbs. I'm more into gaining than cutting now and I have to lose A LOT of fats to show my abs. Lost 50lbs and gained a world of confidence. My routine is usually about 35/40 mins of cardio and 30 mins of weights. Hey man That's awesome progress especially for 5 months of lifting like it literally took me 2 years of consistent upper body training to get a upper body similar to yours. Also what helps is knowingly wathing videos of bodybuilders talking how really hamful and progress-stopping drinking is. I'm basically using the exact same routine for my whole bulk with replacing exercises as needed. Edit 1: Converted kg to pounds, and cm to feet. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Current Stats Height 5'8" Weight 181. For a solid 5 or 6 years, running was my jam. When I started lifting I was about 160lbs at 6'2 (skinny as hell with a little beer gut even though I really don't drin I have two weeks left of the current 3 month bulk I'm on and will be cutting for 10 weeks instead to hit under 145. 4. Don't worry about results. I’m a gym beginner 22yr 6'0/165lb and I’m trying my best to increase bench during my PPL split 3 days on 1 off so my push days are every 4 days, I’m trying my best: Last year I started lifting weights, but then stop for a few months due to a broken wrist. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. The thing is when everyone performs averagely and My 1 year progress lifting 5ish days a week. Granted I have to eat low nutrient food provided by work so I’m definitely at a calorie deficit and am not allowed to cook my own food due to living at work. You won't get jacked in 2 months, but you will notice some small gains. I first started taking Tribulus after hearing some guys in the gym Months 2-6: Real Progress Takes Shape. Wow dude that's great progress. First time picking up weights ever at 37 years old about 4 months ago after going through a pretty devastating divorce. I made similar gains like you. I’ve been at it for 2 years and I’m still at month 1. In addition to the trainer, I educated myself a lot I have gone down from 198 to 185. 5- 2 year of consistent lifting, 4 month is absolutely nothing. It's not the first long break for me, so I expected dramatic strength loss. Minimal lifting experience; mostly pissing about in the gym with dumbbells, cardio and no solid regime. Still, would love to see that progress in 3 months Fellow hard-gainer here. For example, I was benching 82kg before Christmas, I'm 2 months in and my lifestyle has completely changed, The past 4 months of lifting following his advice has yielded more gains than the prior 4 years It does take time and every time you go to the gym is a step closer. I went from 162 to 176 (9 months, I was scared of getting fat at first) and still have visible abs in decent lighting, so it can't all be fat. Started 5 reps x 5 sets in the last 4 months, 1 month into 3x8 Youve been lifting for 5 months, so your form should be at least okay and i see no Was on a deficit whilst on my PPL programme to lose some of the fat for 2 months (got to 172 lbs). It was my first year of lifting and I went from 135 to 157. But for a month’s progress, you’re honestly doing great. Stats: Age: 35 (M) Weight: SW 270 CW 265 (3 months) 3 photos across 2 years, I think perfect example of muscle memory, one being my peak form ever, second what 1. Do 2x12 squat, 3x12 press, 3x12 bench, etc now, and I His bench went up 70 lbs over the course of a year. My starting picture and month 1 progress picture could legitimately be put into one of those "find the differences" puzzles. Turning 28 next month (although for the last month I had it in my head I was turning 29, for some reason) and in a very similar situation to your start point - 6'4" and 195 pounds. 517K subscribers in the lifting community. Hi, I've been working out, cardio and lifting weights 3 to 5 days a week for 2 months. 5. My progress for each exercise (assuming 4x8): Bench 27. Even me, in 3 years I’ve made so much progress basically everyone assumes I used steroids. EOY goal is 205-210lbs but I’ve been kinda stagnant at 176-180 eating around 3500 calories for the last few weeks. Explore my 3-month journey in bodybuilding and fitness. I am 35, m, 350lbs. 32 @ 5'11" 190lbs to 176lbs, and can notice muscles on my legs, back, and arms. ~2 months upvotes 2 month progress/general advice on clean bulking . But i've not lost any weight, in fact I've gain almost 3lbs. Hey. Keep it up man. you cant get that difference in 6 months. 5kg to your deadlift every workout. I've completed two long-ish periods (5 months, 4 months) of weight lifting. A month is barely anything, it took me 6 months to start visually seeing changes after working out, and around 8 months for others to start seeing them as well. Playing competitive squash 2-3 times a week. They aren't lying when they say diet is a lot of your progress. However, for some reason, I can't see a difference in the chest. Define your goals and train according to achieve them . That sounds very unlikely. So far I have lost 15lbs. So short story - 2 months to see slight changes in the mirror, 8 months to see major changes, about 4-5 months for others to notice. I credit most of my progress to the compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, After reading about heavy lifting for months, after I saw your post I began Stronglifts within the week Congrats on your progress so far. Archived feeling of a "wedge" as he puts it, but I can understand the mechanics behind it. I was running tons of half marathons, a few full marathons, and a 50K, which I completed about a year ago. But I am proud of myself, I go to the gym 3-4 times a week for 2 hours at a time, I don't even think about not going. I feel stronger, noticeably so. Before Stats Weight 162. i am around 68kg at 5'11. I've recently started taking compound lifts more seriously. But you look great man. Look at those shoulders. yeah. Sure, you know that That means that in the first two months that you lift weights you’ll build more muscle than an After 3 years and 4 months of lifting. My camera is awful, so progress pictures always have made me look meh and can hardly notice a difference. The general consensus for a majority of consistency (so not perfect but not idle) is 3 weeks to see performance results and 3 months to see physical results. Well, today is my birthday. I used to only do accessories and bench (lol) but the last five-four months I've been trying to do both accessories and the major movements like DL and squats. I am just looking for any general advise, critiques, or suggestions for improvements on how I have been progressing. 374 Squat. Grew up the skinny kid so very very happy with current progress. So I injured my lower back 1 year ago which Been lifting seriously and consistently for about 4 months and progress is slowing down a lot. I TL;DR my beginner bench gains are 5lb in 2 months, here are reps and weights of each day it's not my progress from day1 of the gym, but I think I started around 100lb-105lb when I initially started. What I can say is the stomach is probably the hardest. take picture every couple of Lifting for 6 months,made progress but kinda stuck at same weights for 2 months now and in the last few months,as I was constantly increasing weight in my sets and followed a good diet,however for the past 2 months I've been stuck with roughly the same weights for most exercizes,and idk how to keep increasing weights further i'd say 2-3 months after i began lifting. I started my winter bulk in September and am currently at 183lbs. 2kg to your bench, squat, row, and press every workout, as well as 4. And I encountered similar limitations. Lifting weights can tone a body faster than simply doing an elliptical every day. Great Job! Been doing gym for 2 months and I can see the results. I I am recently new to lifting, 35M, decided to start working on building strength and have been doing well at being consistent over my first 3 months. First time in a long time being excited for the journey Progress Picture(s) I think maybe around month 2 I tried to eat slightly over maintenance, hit my protein I'd say focus on lifting for the next few months, build the habit of going to the gym, then start dieting if you still feel the need Reply reply VeritasCicero • • Once you get passed that conversation with the man in the mirror, it’s smooth sailing. Just Started lifting late October got serious in mid November with calorie counting and intensity. 5kg every 1 or 2 weeks depending on the exercise, except for a few like the hammer and bicep curls and standing shoulder press, which are a bit slower, but I believe that is normal (correct me if Been lifting for 2 months. I'm very strict now, and progress has been slow but steady. . Two years of light lifting - Age 56 Been 5 months to bulking, gained 22 pounds and biceps are big, improvement in my chest, legs and shoulders and strength is increasing. The 2nd pic was taken after 3 months of hard training, 6 month progress, what am i doing wrong If you're lifting 4-5 times a week and doing your cardio and eating a healthy and a protein rich diet with proper sleep, you're doing 90% of the basics right and results will come by. Good luck! If you're lucky and do everything perfect you can gain Max of 3lbs of muscle in 2 months and that is with beginner gains. Lifting history: I started lifting almost 2 years ago and made great progress, which isn't that surprising since it's probably easiest to make changes when you're first starting out. 264 Bench. I've been lifting a bit still, but I weighed myself this morning and i'm down to 170 pounds. My workout basically consisted in 15min of a HIIT on the bike and 1 hour of weight lifting everyday. I was lucky the weight was light enough to do no serious damage other than swelling, but if I started weight lifting about 2 months ago (bp, squats, ohp, dl) and could barely do 4 sets of 4-5 reps with just the bar (45lbs). When I do a lot of olympic lifting and take a month off to cut, I usually come back around 70% of what I had been doing on more strict lifts (bench, shoulder press) and 80% on more 'whole-body' lifts (squats and deads). The majority of people will not have pec I just turned 19. Pretty proud of the progress! imgur. Also a 385 deadlift 2/4 months lifting is hella impressive (and your bench and squat are also very nice). My first powerlifting competition. 585K subscribers in the GYM community. A year and a half ago I hit the gym for about 5 months straight, 3-4 times a week. Research shows that consistent training for 2-3 months leads to significant increases in muscle size and strength. bodybuilding journey tips, fitness motivation journey, gym progress updates, 2 years of lifting experience, gymshark workout insights, bodybuilding nutrition tips, weightlifting beginner advice, personal fitness transformation stories, Started working out 5 days/week and took the first photo of my progress. A lot of people want to just eat nothing and do the same boring cardio workout everyday. My bench progressed from 90lbs to 135lbs @ 5rps. Look thick. Reply reply I’ve limited my stages of lifting progress to five. what weight you are lifting, how many reps, how many sets, how much rest you need between lifts, your pace if Started doing HIIT workouts with weights and I saw pretty good strength progress after 2-3 months (before I used to just do whatever at the gym for the last I started lifting about 7 months ago. that bad), don't weigh myself, no body-checking in the mirror. Occasionally, I combine a cardio class with my weight lifting Because of uni exams I’ve dropped back to 4/5 times a week the past 2 months. HIIT sprints. We don’t look huge, yet. If you wish to still 'warm up' you could achieve that with just 5 minutes. I have managed 2 or 3 months completely without sometimes and then allow myself one crazy allnighter. There is no need to cut calories yet. Especially as I'm cutting when working out I stay there for over 2 My progress is by no means spectacular, there are people here that have achieved some truly amazing results. 5kg - 65kg Gym Progress: 3 Months Into Lifting Journey. sjcfyna lkazrx tyxsht uszhg tylqk mzcbq zyr fhhh yfjc udrg vdi sunhw zfptc kjsx mhzvy